Monday, August 30, 2010

Calamity Jane in the Kitchen

I am a notoriously awful cook.  I am an even worse baker.  There's a particularly grisly story involving brownies from a box that ended up gritty and rock hard for an ACDA meeting...  Today I hit an all-time cooking wipeout though, when while sitting on my bed watching Flight of the Conchords it suddenly hit me that I had been boiling water for the last twenty minutes.  I leapt off the bed, raced upstairs and thankfully nothing was aflame.  Can't even boil water.  Probably not going to add that to the ol' resume.

I don't understand how I'm so horrible at cooking.  I remember helping my mom cook and bake when I was little, and she's a wonderful cook.  My brother is even better, and no one seems to have taught him.  Even my dad can throw together a decent tasting meal, and he will literally eat anything.  

Doesn't that look awesome?!  Shan, I want this for my birthday, please.  We both know I'll never be able to create this myself.  Sorry you'll have to find strawberries in December...

Currently Reading: The Ballad of the Whiskey Robber
Number of Days til Europe: 9
Number of Bikes Ridden: 0
Number of Blondies Consumed (this week): 4

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